I never in my life thought I'll do it. Never did I think that I will get a tattoo. Lately the thought's been playing round in my head & I decided that seeing that one only has one life, why not.....
In between the time of me changing jobs and moving forward with my life I visited a recommended tattoo shop. I walked in there with a couple of pictures that I googled of little swallows and had the artist draw them first. Being myself I was full of sh*t as it had to be 'perfect' and fine. After a couple of tweaks to the picture - I had a cigarette & geared myself up for this permanent engraving on my back.
A little bit up - a little bit down.... And so, the positioning was where I wanted it. I sat down on the chair with my head bowed forward & the sound of the tattoo 'machine' started. I must admit - it was without a doubt not painless, however not even close to as painful as I thought it to be. 30 min later and I had my three little birdies on my back.
There's no specific reason why I chose swallows, but the fact that they're pretty. Then one night I had a conversation with a friend & we were talking about children & their imaginary friends. I told her about my imaginary friend I had.... I little blue bird. I walked around with the little blue bird on my hand all the time. I remember when my parents weren't home, my little blue bird & I could fly. I don't recall if the bird had a name, but when I close my eyes I can still see that bird in vivid detail! Perhaps it is that little bird that stayed in my imagination many years later and ended up represented on my back.
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