So, I've been up and down considering the provoking thought of acquiring a sexy little convertible sports motor. This specific thought has been bouncing up and down in my mind for the greater number of years in my life. Never did I really think this day would actually arrive. I've had sleepless nights about making little plans and thinking out little tricks to actually be able to live my dream and get my car.
For those who know (and those who don't) - I have always since I can remember had this amazing love for BMW and everything that goes along with it. I remember many many years ago, there was a 3-series convertible that came out. It was available in a metallic bottle green colour. I remember the chills that I got every single time a saw one of those. This must have been in the late 80's if memory serves me right. I loved it. That was my 'dream-car'. I remember being a little girl and driving with my parents one day. We pulled up next to one of these 'dream machines' at a robot. I loved it. I looked with admiration at the man and woman sitting in that car, with the roof down. I remember so vividly how I thought to myself, that that will one day be me.
I think in a silent way that has always been a drive for me internally. That image in my mind of that idyllic life has just never left my mind. I know that the car that one drive, or the cloths that you wear or the handbag on your side will never define who you are as a person, but your drive and goals and ambitions in life contributes to the shaping of your personality. And your personality - that is who you are!
This thought driving my aspirations in life, I have been working relentlessly trying to achieve what I set out to do in my life. I've been driving BMW's since 2005 and from 2009 I've been engaging with a very talented (in a variety of ways) sales executive about the purchase of this dream of mine. And, like I have said several times before in my life.... You don't choose the time, time selects you. During 2009, it turned out that time didn't choose me for my dream. Perhaps, it just knew that I was destined for greater achievements and 2010 and that that would be the time.
So - 2010 arrived and so a change of events in my personal life, in my work & clearly in my Karma too. This meant that I got my dream to my cosmopolitan life!
On 23 July 2010 - I walked into BMW. With a red ribbon and a red carpet, my - YES MY - brand new 2010 Z4 3.0i S-drive was standing on the floor for my collection. It was not the old Metallic Bottle Green 3-series convertible of so many years ago. It was my "Havanna Coloured" one, and it was mine. For once in my life, I lacked words. The only thing that I was able to communicate was "Wow.... Wow..... Is it really mine?..... Wow...." I was privileged enough to share that amazing moment with somebody close to my heart.
I remember driving away from the dealership that Friday Evening. I could not stop smiling. I don't think that it was in my ability to wipe that 'grin' off my face! I have arrived! I am living my dream!